Representative Jack Lewis
District: 7th Middlesex
City: Ashland; Framingham: Precincts 8, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18
Political Party: Democrat
Phone: 617-722-2030
State Web Page:
Rep Lewis is sponsoring two animal protection bills this session.
An Act concerning the use of certain insurance underwriting guidelines pertaining to dogs harbored upon the insured property prevents insurance companies from denying or cancelling homeowners insurance based on the breed of dog owned, a practice that can separate dogs from their families. These decisions should be based on the behavior of the individual dog, not his or her appearance/suspected breed.
An Act concerning the use of animals in product testing requires the use of available test methods that avoid or reduce animal testing of products and ingredients. Alternatives provide information of equivalent or superior quality and relevance to humans in comparison to animal tests. The bill applies to products such as cosmetics, household cleaners, and industrial chemicals, like those in paint; it does not apply to testing done for medical research, including testing of drugs or medical devices.